Great Rivers Greenway
Master Planning and Site Design
Plan and Sketch Illustrations​
Cost Estimating and Implementation Planning
The Chain of Rocks Bridge was part of Route 66 and is on the National Register but was closed to vehicular traffic in 1970. After years of neglect, the bridge was renovated for pedestrian/bicycle use in 1998. However, little was done to the 21-acre site at the west end of the bridge and GRG more recently acquired the site. The site was recently closed to visitors due to safety and security issues.
Redevelopment scenarios brought public, institutional and even private partners into this project. An option was selected that is a combination of features, whereby GRG can complete initial site development to reopen the site with a baseline level of facility development and opportunity for partner development to be added later. The new development includes an entry drive, parking, event lawn, pedestrian walks (accessing the bridge), nature trail, vendor/food truck area, site security (low visual impact fencing, gates, and security cameras), nature trail, landscape development and stormwater management.