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St. Charles County Parks and Recreation Department


Master Plan Implementation
Site Design
Construction Documents

When asked by St. Charles County Parks if 199 acres of undeveloped land could be designed, permitted, and constructed in 6 months, PDS, as part of a team of engineers, responded absolutely. A streamed-lined methodology focused on developing an initial set of pricing documents based on unit pricing for construction quantities. Three weeks later final updated construction documents were provided to the selected contractor to begin construction.

The master plan was developed as part of this accelerated process included five parking areas, a three-tiered destination playground, three pavilions, four composting restroom facilities, a relocated historic one-room schoolhouse, an eight-acre lake and outfall, and walking trails. Together with the design team, the contractor worked on an extremely compressed schedule, with over 100 contractors working seven days a week and up to twelve-hour days to meet the expedited schedule requirements of the County. Together, the project team was required to provide the completed park project in just three short months. Two awards were given to the design team for their work on the park since completion.

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